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Because we chart a course mapped specifically to your needs, every engagement is unique. Explore some of our recent client journeys.

Case Study 01

Satisfied Tummies,
Super Mommies

The Ask

Case Study 1

It’s a universal truth: kids snack. Our CPG client
needed to identify driving forces of snack demand
and fulfillment 
at the intersection of nature and nurture
to drive new product innovation.

The Action

In each of six global markets, 1,000 mom/kid pairs were interviewed online about their snacking habits. Demographics, lifestyle factors, and behavioral inputs were included in a quantitative segmentation to identify statistically significant “demand factors” at the global and local levels.

The Outcome

Three consistent “need states” emerged as global snacking drivers and were used as a lens for evaluating innovation territories and new concepts; modifications to packaging and messaging were implemented to address differences in local customs and lifestyle.

Case Study 02

When Your #OOTD
Matches Your Sofa

The Ask

Case Study 2

Between 24/7 HGTV, a never-ending stream of Pinterest boards and the booming DIY culture found on sites like Etsy, consumers are more savvy about home décor and design than ever before. Our client, an established home retailer, wanted to refresh their marketing strategy to ensure they were reaching Millennials,
who are especially self-directed in their home décor purchase decisions.

The Outcome

While brand affinity was strong, fresh insight provided a roadmap for the retailer to increase digital marketing efforts, effectively vary marketing messages to resonate with different targets, and to evolve products and merchandising.

The Action

Three new consumer personas were created—leveraging a mix of quantitative survey data and secondary data—that  identified style traits, home décor shopping habits, media consumption, and shopping motivators of current and prospective shoppers.

Case Study 03

A Snack
That Stands Out

The Ask

Case Study 3

How do you improve on a classic? A well-known snack
brand looking to introduce a brand new product 

sought in-market feedback on packaging and flavor
in advance of a national rollout.

The Action

Consumers were recruited for a two-phase mobile mission and product trial study, capturing both their in-store experience of shopping for the product, as well as at-home usage/consumption. Participants were prompted to share thoughts on brand, package, product, flavor, and competitive set throughout via quantitative and video feedback.

"We consider Directive Analytics a true partner to our organization; the passion they bring to each project is second to none. We have worked on several projects with them and what was most impressive was the way they became entrenched in each and every one of them. They live and breathe the category for the length of the project and this really brings life to their analysis and recommendations. We are currently using their insights now to develop an exciting new platform and look forward to working with them on additional projects in the future."

Chris Costello

National Sales Manager-Retail
Bigelow Tea Company

The Outcome

The product was validated to be differentiated enough to draw attention at point of sale on a crowded shelf, and the brand determined which flavor(s) had the best potential for wide-scale success.

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